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Friday, January 6, 2012

Large Format Again!

For those of us who like the amazing detail that large format gives us, it's time for one more 4x5 assignment! During the next few weeks, we will be working on a tilt/shift/ architecture assignment. This is to familiarize us with the tilts and swings that a large format camera is capable of! Tilting or swinging the back or front of the 4x5 camera straightens the lines of a building or structure, while making the same picture with a 35mm camera usually results in distorted lines (The building appears to tilt backward or forward).
This is actually a two part assignment, as you will be turning in two completed, mounted pictures.
One picture will be of a building or structure, and will use the tilts and/or shifts to straighten out the lines in the building/structure.

The second photograph can be of anything, and will simply use the tilt/shift function to DISTORT your subject.  It may be fun to make a closeup picture of something for this.

It is best to work in pairs for this assignment, as toting a giant camera and tripod around campus is a bit of work. (Also, it is important to have a person "spotting" to make sure passers by don't trip over those tripod legs.) As always, it is recommended that you load two sheets of film in a film holder and make at least two pictures.

There is a book in the Photo ll bin that details how tilt and shift work, and there will be a demo, but here are some helpful links as well:

Update: As of 1.18, the darkroom is closed which makes it hard to process sheet film, so this assignment is on hold until later in the year.