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Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Samohi ROP Photography presents: First Annual Student Photo Show

Hello Friends,
 We are busy prepping for our First Annual Student Photography Show.  This exhibit will feature work by students in Santa Monica High School's ROP Photo One and ROP Photo Two Classes!
We'll have some photos up soon, but here's our poster. Join us next Wednesday, December 7th for the opening reception at the Roberts Art Gallery in the History Building. The reception runs from 4pm to 7pm and the public is invited to meet, greet, and eat (as we will have some delicious snacks available). Of course, student work will also be available FOR SALE!
Thanks to Jasmine Ayala for the design and photography on our poster!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Halloween at Barnum Hall!

This post highlights the work my students at Santa Monica High School were doing in the fall of 2011.

 During Halloween  2011, Photo 2 students put up a backdrop on campus and captured the essence of the Halloween spirit at Santa Monica High School by asking students and teachers to pose in their costumes. We collected a vast and varied number of costumes and personalities on film pixels and want to share our findings to the rest of the blogging world. Here is the first batch. MORE TOMORROW!